Thursday, March 19, 2009

Car, Driving Humor: Road Rage, Part Deue

As we mentioned during the introduction to our beginner’s course, Road Rage 101: How To Piss Off Other Drivers, poor driving isn’t an obvious side effect of limited cerebral capacity, but rather the result of countless hours of feverish, committed practice. Although drivers in places like New Jersey make it look effortless, the fact remains that dangerous, often illegal driving habits require fastidious dedication to the craft, and we here at RideLust are determined to help. To begin, you must first honestly asses your personal ability. If you feel as though you’ve successfully mastered all of the lessons outlined in Road Rage 101, or you have at least 5 years experience regularly commuting in the Tri-State area, you might be ready to graduate to an intermediate level of douchebaggery. However, be forewarned: the upper tier of jackassedness is an elite circle open only to those who have demonstrated an unfailing dedication to inciting blind road rage. If you still feel truly prepared to assume the responsibility of serving as an ambassador of the asinine, please proceed to study the advanced tactics we’ve outlined below.

Top 10 Ways to Cause Proper Road Rage:

1. Always Use Fog Lights
2. Ride The Brake
3. Do Not Pass
4. Hog The Road
5. Insist On Yielding, ALWAYS
6. Refuse To Make A Left-Hand Turn Until The Second Coming Of The Christ
7. Fear The Police
8. Ignore The 3 Second Rule
9. Do Not Merge Until The Last Possible Moment
10. Drive Like A Teenager


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